

'Monopoly' Game vs. the Real World: A Teaching Tool

Wikipedia calls entrepreneurship “the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Authors: Stevie Arroyo and James Hoffman

How Founders Can Turn Criticism into Gold

that were previously unknown, devising changes in strategy and business planning etc., may require fundamental Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Raja Singaram and Gabi Kaffka

Classical Music and Blockchain Taught Me to Think Like an Artist

From working with Soula and Norman, we saw an opportunity for distributed ledger technologies to fundamentally Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Christos A. Makridis

Why You Should Court Failure

 Her discussion topics focus on female entrepreneurship and the importance of having incredible Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Brian Benson

Can You Afford to Experiment?

work of Eric Ries (2011, 2017), the Lean Startup has largely become the “language” of modern entrepreneurship Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Andrea Contigiani

a16z Brings Thought Leadership to the Valley

As part of an early wave of VCs and investors who began to blog about entrepreneurship and venture capital Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Robert Buday , Charles Eesley and James C Wetherbe

Surprising reasons owners exit family businesses

Cooper and Artz (1995) also state that, “satisfaction is clearly a fundamental measure of success for Read More...

Category: Theory and Research

Authors: James Hoffman , Ritch Sorenson and Keith Brigham

Sleeplessness Can Be Hazardous to Your Venture

Entrepreneurship is highly demanding as it involves developing, starting, growing, and running an independent Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Barbara Silva and Jeff Gish

'Imposter Syndrome' Holds Back Entrepreneurial Women

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16(4), 5—30. Cardon, M.

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston , Jamie Ladge and Keimei Sugiyama

Mike Dulworth on the Power of Connection

"Was there anything early on in your childhood, let's say, that gave you any hint as to your entrepreneurship Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Nicholas Vitalari