RX for Success: Former MinuteClinic CEO Linda Hall Shares her Stories

RX for Success: Former MinuteClinic CEO Linda Hall Shares her Stories
Category: Interviews
Published: September 14, 2015
Updated: June 28, 2024
Views: 165757
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In 2002, both Linda Hall and her new company -- which would later become MinuteClinic, a fixture in 1000 CVS stores -- had a lot to lose. Hall was the sole breadwinner in her household and had no nest egg, and the company was similarly at the end of its rope financially.  Through tenacity, a thick skin and an outsider's fresh perspective, Hall helped her company gain the financing it needed to grow, and eventually be feted by the World Economic Forum for its innovative healthcare delivery. In an interview with Dan Forbes, Hall shares lessons from her teenage years selling Michigan cherries, her early career in education and the roadblocks she faced as an entrepreneur.


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Daniel Forbes
Daniel Forbes
Senior Editor for EIX & Associate Professor / Carlson School of Management / University of Minnesota
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Linda Hall
Linda Hall
Entrepreneur-in-Residence / Carlson School of Management / University of Minnesota
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DOI: 10.17919/X9G016
Forbes, Daniel, and undefined. "RX for Success: Former MinuteClinic CEO Linda Hall Shares her Stories." FamilyBusiness.org. 14 Sep. 2015. Web 22 Oct. 2024 <https://eiexchange.com/content/104-rx-for-success-former-minuteclinic-ceo-linda-hal>.
Forbes, D., & Hall, L. (2015, September 14). Rx for success: former minuteclinic ceo linda hall shares her stories. FamilyBusiness.org. Retrieved October 22, 2024, from https://eiexchange.com/content/104-rx-for-success-former-minuteclinic-ceo-linda-hal