Running a family business tips
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Family-owned businesses often struggle to compete with non-family firms when it comes to recruitment, and understanding the expectations of job seekers is crucial to attract the best talent. Read More...
Category: Research Insight
Authors: Annika Ehlers , Ryan Rumble , Claudia Binz Astrachan and Massimo Baù
Bragging about your family connection is universally bad, but even pride in your accomplishments must be displayed carefully -- especially in eastern cultures. In my experience working with Read More...
Category: Research Insight
Author: Fabian Bernhard
Sharon Beck, owner of a Jovie Childcare franchise, shares her insights on the benefits and challenges of being your parents' boss. Around the time that Sharon Beck was ready to quit full-time work to Read More...
Category: Interviews
Author: Kimberly Eddleston
The goals of the family and the business are often at odds. Family history can inspire bold and necessary steps that are still in harmony with the family’s image of itself. A family sitting Read More...
Category: Research Insight
Authors: Lara Pecis , Bingbing Ge and Florian Bauer
Your "owners' strategy" should consider that in the future, the family firm will likely have many more owners. Take a broader focus when you develop it. In the US, most family business advisory firms Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Claudia Binz Astrachan and Tom Rüsen
Fiduciary boards keep family firms focused on the long term, rather than on short-term, tactical strategies. But many family firms resist having one, fearful of losing control of their Read More...
Category: Interviews
Author: Kimberly Eddleston
A conversation orientation in the family carries over to the business -- especially for women, who are increasingly becoming the family firm's "vocal heroes." Have you ever wondered if family Read More...
Category: Research Insight
Authors: Kristen Shanine and Kristen Madison
Family businesses should consider a social media policy as a relatively “low-hanging fruit” to introduce the next generation to governance work. Does your business family have a social media Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Claudia Binz Astrachan , Tom Rüsen and Rebecca DeYarman
The stories that families tell about their past matter. Here are some ways that families can begin to use the past to serve their present-day goals. Family firms often frame their history as a Read More...
Category: Research Insight
Authors: Christina Lubinski and William Gartner
Recent events in the US Presidential race have focused people around the world on the topic of leadership and age. When is a leader, whether of a country or a business, too old to do the job? When Read More...
Category: Commentary
Author: Salvatore Sciascia